The surname is mainly found in Normandy, Northern France. Bucoy (Dubucq, Dubuque and Dubuquoy) listed amongst the nobility of Reitshop’s General Armory and French Aristocracy.
The family's ancestral residential properties in Zamboanga City are located in JD Cruz (Crispin Atilano Street) and Calle San Jose in Barrio San Jose, where several branches of the family still retain their main residences.
Here is the description of the Escudo (Coat of Arms) of the Bucoy Family used by the progenitors of the present day Zamboanga Bucoy based from old family archives.
White signifies peace and sincerity, blue denotes loyalty and truth. The bent symbolizes the shoulder belt of the armament worn about shoulder and arm and signifies defense and protection.
Origin: La Rochelle and Normandy, Northern France
Crest: Au-Flauer-de-lis
Source: The Historical Research Center
Logo re-execution by: MarLo Tiu Bucoy
Screen shot from Richard Ferdinand B. Bucoy's page
Special thanks to Wilfred Edward Bucoy for the untiring research about BUCOY.